What Lies Within - Ralph Waldo Emerson 14K Gold
French: Deux Ames un Coeur
Our Song Shall Rise to Thee
Phoentic Sanscrit and Sanscrit: Healing Mantra
Italian: Il mio cuore e il tuo per sempre
Ani L'dodi - Song of Solomon 6:3
You Will Always Be In My Heart - Gandhi
How Great Thou Art
May You Live All The Days - Jonathon Swift
Skating Cat - Edward Gorey
Heaven Has In Store
Love Is Patient, Love is Kind - 1 Corinthians 13
Best And Most Beautiful - Helen Keller
Bat Earrings - Edward Gorey
Hope and keep busy - Louisa May Alcott
Wonderful Adventure - Hans Christian Andersen
North & South & East & West - Alan and Marilyn Bergman
Spanish: Te quiero con toda mi alma
Dancing Cat - Edward Gorey
Lord's Prayer KJV- 14K Gold
Fruit of the Spirit - Galations 5:22-23
Sweet Friendship Refreshes the Soul
To Thine Own Self Be True - Shakespeare
Serenity Prayer
English: Love Is Patient - 1 Corinthians 13
I Love You More
Live The Life You've Imagined - Henry David Thoreau
The Sight of the Stars - Van Gogh
What Lies Within - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bat Cufflinks - Edward Gorey
Amazing Grace - John Newton
Two Roads Diverged in a Wood - Robert Frost
I Meet You In Every Dream - Alexander Hamilton
Stop All The Clocks - W. H. Auden
English: I Am His
Seek And Find - Walt Whitman
Affirmation Ribbon
A Woman Who Honors the Lord - Proverbs 31:30
Cozy Cat - Edward Gorey
Hebrew: Ani L'dodi - Song of Solomon 6:3
My Sister, My Friend
Pure Mobius 14K Gold
Indulge Your Imagination - Jane Austen
Latin: Amor Vincit Omnia - Virgil
My Sister, My Friend Through Thick And Thin
My Sister, My Friend Through Thick And Thin 14K Gold
Move and the Way will open - Buddha
Green Tara Mantra
Moon Cat - Edward Gorey
I Can Do All Things - St. Paul
Heart Cat - Edward Gorey